2014年2月15日 星期六

【旅行】Taipei Lantern Festival & Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall 臺北燈節&中正紀念堂

Niña 一早就回高雄,傻亮Paco還有Poven去爬象山。只剩我自己一人行動。



看到貓咪不拍不行呀 >///<

孔子周遊列國 Confucius' Journey


Confucius began a 14 year journey with his students and followers, hoping to discover a trustful place where he could promote his political ideas. During the journey, he observed and examined the local political situation to consider if it was a right place to stay and got to figure out the proper means to execute policies.


草船借箭 Borrow Arrows With Thatched Boats

據「三國演義」(Romance of the Three Kingdoms記述,赤壁之戰前夕,周瑜命令諸葛孔明 監造十萬枝箭,同時暗中吩咐工匠拖延時間,使諸葛孔明難以準時完成任務。孔明勘查天候條件發現近日長江將瀰漫大霧,便以巧智佈置船隻,上置布幔、草人等物,以計誘敵。曹操見大霧瀰漫下令軍隊發射弓箭,向周瑜船隊進攻,諸葛孔明不費吹灰之力得到箭,也挫敗了周瑜消滅異已的陰謀,可謂一舉兩得,表現諸葛孔明有膽有識,才智過人,為三國演義中具代表性之智謀故事。

On the eve of n Battle of Redcliff, Zhou Yu commanded Zhuge Liang to make 100,000 arrows but also asked the craftsmen to postpone the completion in private so that Zhuge could not get to complete the mission on time. However Zhuge took advantage of the weather and skillfully collected arrows by fooling the enemy to shoot on the thatched boats.

我喜歡那深紫色的桌子 =)
桃園三結義 Oath of the Peach Garden


At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei took an oath of fraternity in a ceremony. Their goal was to protect and devote themselves to their countries. It is also often named to be a representative of fraternal loyalty.

扇枕溫衾 (ㄑㄧㄣ) shan jhěn wun cin


Huang Xiang was a man of Anlu, Jiangxia in the East Han Dynasty. His mother died when he was nine years old and he was very pious to his father.
He cooled the mattress with a fan in hot summer and warmed the quilt with his body in cold winter for his father.

跪父留母 Kneel to the Father for Return the Stepmother


Hearsay that in Song Dynasty, in the area of Jiang Nan there was dutiful daughter named Zhang Chu Hua. Her mother died of illness, so his father remarried to her stepmother. Yet she still treated her stepmother respectfully just like her birthmother. One day her stepmother seized the opportunity with bad attention while her father went out, she sold her to a rich family as servant. Fortuitously his father met her on his way home with her face intermingling of sorrow and joy. Chu Hua kept silence but tears in her eyes because she didn't want her stepmother to get involved until his father continued asking her about it and finally knew the truth. Her father was shocked and angry that he wanted to repudiate her stepmother. As Chu Hua heard this and soon she kneeled to her father and begged hime not to banish her stepmother. Her father was touched by her filial piety, so he admitted her stepmother again.

單衣順母 Obedience to His Stepmother


It is said that a man of Zhou Dynasty named Min Zi Qian, ever since he was a child, he was a dutiful son. Because his mother early passed away, his father sympathized him for not having enough food and clothes, thus his father remarried to his stepmother to look after Min Zi Qian. Later the stepmother had two more sons and her attitude became coldly to him. A certain year of winter approached, his stepmother made waistcoats of thick cotton fiber for each of her birth son, but gave Zi Qian a thin clothes stuffed with aloe stem which can only cover his body barely. One day his father called him to help pulling the car out of the door. Outside the door the weather was freezing. Zi Qian only wore a thin clothes, but he maintained silence and endured the weather without telling his father. Till then the rope abraded Zi Qian's clothe on the shoulder, his father saw the aloe flower inside the fabric and finally realized that his stepmother didn't treat his son well. Therefore he decided to repudiate his wife. Zi Qian saw his two little younger brothers and stepmother were crying together, and he felt them pitiable. Thus he kneeled to his father and said:"The mother was there only me suffered the cold, but if the mother is banished, three of the child will all get cold." The virtue of Zi Qian touched the stepmother, and after that they lived in harmony with each other. 




這隻馬的臉…好像草泥馬 XDDDD



因為買了一張中正紀念館晚上時拍攝的明信片,所以一直想來看看。可是待的時間有點短,所以我似乎沒有找到那張明信片上面的景 lol

↑ 國家兩廳院:國家戲劇院國家音樂廳
National Theater and Concert Hall






2014.02.13 Chiufen, New Taipei City 九份.新北市
2014.02.14 Píng xī & shífēn, New Taipei City 平溪&十分.新北市




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